H&M is so excited to introduce our new western decor product lines - if you are attending Cheyenne Frontier Days, well you will be the first one to see the western decor line up for H&M Valley Ranch Store. Most of you know, Jennifer Casebeer is the western decor consultant for H&M, her western flavor has added a fresh new western twist at the Ranch. Jennifer uses a combination of materials to achieve new looks on old pieces of furniture or essential ranch items. With a little paint, a lot of talent, and ideas from both Jennifer & Anna - we can really come up with some awesome western designs. So, don't be shy, come out to Cheyenne Wyoming July 18 - July 27. Stop by the H&M Valley Ranch Store booth - bring your western decor questions to us and we will try to help you make your ideas become a reality. Remember, The Wild Horse Gulch is where you can shop for western furniture, leather goods, art work, leather pillows, wooden crosses, and so much more at H&M Valley Ranch.